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Big Data Europe Workshop: The challenges of big data for societies in a changing world

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September 11, 2017 @ 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm


There are nowadays some irrevocable trends implying that science will open. As regards to data, this implies that sharing instead of owning will become the default. However, there are almost no incentives (but mostly rules & obligations) to make data available and shareable. Seamless facilities for researchers to share data are much needed, and credits need to be attributed when data are re-used.

Europe is developing a Cloud infrastructure where data can be shared and reused. In order to achieve it, data has to be made FAIR – findable, accessible, interoperable and then re-usable. In addition, social data require privacy and security measures.

  • Where are we now in setting up a European cloud infrastructure?
  • How can we implement social science data?
  • How do we organise secure access and provide information and training on the big and complex data collections?

Big Data can make important contributions to the technical progress in key societal challenges identified by the European Union in its “Horizon 2020” and thereby also on OpenScience!

This workshop will focus on societal challenge 6 “Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies”, with a main focus of OpenScience & (Big) Data Management by introducing the background, covering the main challenges, and seeking real examples of the potential, challenges and complexities of using big data in our societies.

Furthermore the Big Data Integrator (BDI,  Platform of the Big Data Europe project and several demos / pilots from different societal challenges (including SC6) realised on top of it will be presented. The workshop is planned to provide space for questions and discussions with speakers and participants as well as for networking!

As the event is embedded as official workshop of the SEMANTiCS2017 conference ( participants are able to participate also in workshops in the morning of the 11th of September and/or join the Platform Linked Data Netherlands MeetUp (PLDN, ) that also acts as the SEMANTiCS2017 conference evening reception. Registered  workshop participants receive also 15% discount on regular SEMANTiCS2017 conference tickets.

Workshop AGENDA

  • 13.00 – 13:30 Registration, Snacks and Coffee
  • 13:30 – 13:40 Welcome by Big Data Europe, Ivana Versic (Cessda
  • 13:40 – 14:00 The European Research Data landscape, Peter Doorn (Director of DANS)
  • 14.00 – 14:30 European Open Science Agenda: where we are and where we are going to, Ron Dekker (Cessda)
  • 14:30 – 15:00 Fernando Reis, Eurostat big data team (title tbc)
  • 15.00 – 15:30 TBA: requested talk by digital humanities organisation, NL – requested
  • 15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
  • 16.00 – 16:45 The Big Data Integrator & the BDE Pilots on top Aad Versteden (TenForce) & Martin Kaltenböck (SWC)  
  • 16:45 – 17:00 Outlook Big Data Europe & Fare Well, Ivana Versic (Cessda) and Martin Kaltenböck (SWC)


Short Speaker BIOs

Ron Dekker has been recently appointed as new CESSDA director. His career path led him from leading positions in the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) to SURF, the Dutch IT-innovation organisation for Higher Education & Research, where he served as acting director. In 2014 he was seconded to the Dutch Ministry of Education, Science and Culture as Project Leader for Open Science in preparation for the Dutch EU Presidency in the first half of 2016. He then moved to Brussels to work as a Seconded National Expert on Open Science at the European Commission, Directorate-General Research & Innovation.33333

Free registration


September 11, 2017
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm


Big Data Europe
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