Inception! – DMA’s fourth Plenary

The fourth plenary meeting took place from 19 to 20 March 2018 with the project partner Catalysts hosting the meeting in their new office at the Tabakfabrik in Linz. Interdisciplinary discussions aiming at innovative solutions found a good seedbed as the consortium meeting was embedded in this novel environment.

Quick overview of the overall project

The plenary started with a short summary of the status quo of the different areas of the project and hints to forthcoming milestones by Mihai Lupu, assigning the motto “inception” to the meeting. Dissemination and community activity questions were addressed by Martin Kaltenböck, followed by legal considerations pointed to by Bettina Rinnerbauer. Bernhard Niedermeier and Hermann Fürntratt presented the current status of the pilots. Then system design aspects were presented by Bernd Ivanschitz and Victor Mireles-Chavez.

Interdisciplinary working groups

Working groups dedicated to specific issues aimed at making key decisions in a collaborative manner without overlooking aspects important from the perspectives of the different disciplines. These decisions will lay the foundation for future work by the consortium members shaping the DMA. A metadata-demo was showed to all participants by Michael Kofler-Häusler. Obviously, the goal supposed to be to also make those lacking technical expertise able to finally figure out a bit better what the technicians have been talking about when showing the technical progress by presenting a respectable volume of code lines. Some conversations turned around file identifiers, ScopeCode, Hierarchy Level, RML, UID, API, metadata vocabularies and nodes. The integration of all prepared components into the portal was the main topic for the Architecture Working Group: Push or pull? Layer of abstraction? Decentralization or centralization?

Work package specific meetings

Quickly wrapping-up Tuesday, topics relevant for more than one work package were discussed in cross-workpackage-working groups. The intersection of different disciplines as well as the targeted discussion of concrete questions in only one domain were focused on. These were discussed mainly in work package-specific meetings, which were held to work on concrete next steps.

Want to on-board on this process? Become associated partner of the DMA.

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